Offshoring Models

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Which Offshore Model Fits You The Best?

Build — Operate — Transfer

Hourly / Time & Material

Fixed Price Model

Build — Operate — Transfer (BOT)

This model comprises 3 primary phases – build, operate and transfer. The ‘build’ phase encompasses the entire R&D and recruitment of resources. Everything right from headcount planning, resource screening, recruitment, training, onboarding and infrastructure necessities is taken care of by the service provider. The client however has complete authority of the operations. For you to get the best product in the market, INDEXIZ provides you with an added authority to set the hierarchy as per your convenience. The operation phase defines the initiation of the development process which involves – coding, product enhancements and management, maintenance as well as support. At the same time, technical and marketing consultations, payroll management and HR activities are also carried out simultaneously.


    Advantages of the BOT Model

    Get ownership of the team

    Team can be scaled up quickly

    Client can set hierarchy

    Establish team building and motivational programs

    Can create a product specialised team

    Don’t lose product knowledge

    Develop your own culture

    Create customized incentive program

    Get complete team built in 2 weeks

    Freedom from screening and recruitment

    Get your own branded co-working space - an Offshore Dedicated Centre

    Build (We put together your team)

    We understand the skill requirements for your product and can quickly arrange a team for you from our 500+ in-house engineers. With INDEXIZ , you can quickly launch and scale your product team.

    Operate: We run full-service operations

    You can concentrate on your product and business while we handle IT operations. We handle office facilities, recruitment, scaling, IT infrastructure, HR self-service, compliance, insurance, payroll, etc.

    Transfer: Take charge of your team when ready

    When you are ready to establish a local entity, we transfer an entire team to you at a fixed cost. You never lose sight of your team or product knowledge. We also assist you in registering your company, locating an office, and establishing processes.

    Software Developer

    Like to know more about our BOT models?

    Hourly / Time & Material

    Time and material model suits clients with long-term projects where the requirements keep changing dynamically and the scope of work is undefined with varying workloads of the development team. This model gives immense flexibility to change or alter the project specifications at any point in time, thus the client has maximum control over the project. Besides, as the requirements evolve, team size and resources allocated to the project can be easily adjusted, simultaneously minimizing time and cost as well as time.


    This model is apt for large and long-term projects where the end product is unpredictable

    Low risk model for client as well as service providers

    Generally has flexible budget and low risk of potential failure

    Client has significant control over the project as well as on any on-demand enhancements during the project


    Estimated budget may vary from the eventual budget because of unanticipated changes that may impact the overall development cost

    Flexible or undefined time frame for project completion

    Client has the authority to suggest changes or head the entire development process

    Undefined deadlines. Any feature enhancements in the project can directly impact the time of the product to market.

    Undefined budget. The pricing of the project in this model is always tentative because of the uncertainty of time required to design and implement features.

    Product owners usually have to manage any and every iteration as well as the development process

    Client loses the developers as well as the product development knowledge

    Fixed Price Model

    Fixed price offshoring is preferable for short-term projects with precise and well-documented needs. It entails a clear scope and project specifications, a predetermined delivery schedule, and a set budget. When the client specifies a time frame and a detailed set of requirements for the end product that are unlikely to change throughout the project, the offshore company can provide a schedule and an estimated price based on the project scope and complexity. Development stages are planned during the discussion and the process is followed applying waterfall methodology. Moreover, this engagement model doesn’t require client’s supervision, but presupposes some scope-related risks for both parties, since any deviations from the original plan will result in additional expenses.


    Good for small & mid sized projects where requirements & deliverables are well defined from the start

    Low risk model for client as well as service providers

    Generally has flexible budget and low risk of potential failure

    Client has significant control over the project as well as on any on-demand enhancements during the project


    Estimated budget may vary from the eventual budget because of unanticipated changes that may impact the overall development cost

    Flexible or undefined time frame for project completion

    Client has the authority to suggest changes or head the entire development process

    Undefined deadlines. Any feature enhancements in the project can directly impact the time of the product to market.

    Undefined budget. The pricing of the project in this model is always tentative because of the uncertainty of time required to design and implement features.

    Product owners usually have to manage any and every iteration as well as the development process

    Client loses the developers as well as the product development knowledge

    BOT vs. Hiring vs. Fixed Price Model

     BOTTime & MaterialFixed Price
    Project SizeLargeMediumSmall
    Project DurationLongAvergage/LongShort/Average
    Project PricingFixed MonthlyFixed HourlyFix Per Project
    Project TimelineEstimatedIncrementalDefined
    Resource TypeDedicatedSharedShared
    Team ScalabilityHighModerateLow
    Change RequestDuring ProjectDuring ProjectAfter Project Completion
    Project ControlFullPartialNegligible
    Project ReportingDailyDailyWeekly/Biweekly
    Tech StackFlexibleSituationalPre-planned
    SupportUntil Product SuccessUntil Project CompletionUntil Project Completion
    Team CommunicationDirectDirectIndirect
    Project OwnershipFullPartialNegligible
    Culturally FitYesNoNo
    Team Take OverYesNoNo

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